Use sliders to get the very same HDR look you had admired on many photographic sites. With right adjustments you can have professional results with HDR Effect. The result will be similar to professional HDR camera photographs. Also you can give dramatic black and white effect to your images with a few touches.
We have added new features with the recent update, now you can apply pre defined 50 different hdr effect to your photos with one click. If you want to make some changes on an effect you can just apply the effect and make the changes on adjustment parameters and you can get entirely unique result effects.
Pro version gives you:
Full resolution results.
Red, green, blue channel curve adjustment options.
Also it removes ads.
New feature: Crop
- 17 new overlay and bokeh effects
- Crop
- 50 new HDR effects
- Opacity adjustment on result combination
- HDR like results with our special algorithm
- HDR Circle control
- Composite, curve options(red, green, blue is Pro specific)
- Gamma correction
- Levels adjustment ( black and white tonal adjustment)
- Contrast adjustment
- Brightness adjustment
- Unsharp filter
- Black and white image
- Sepia image
- Dramatic black and white results
- Put frames and border on your photos.
- Put borders and frames on your images
- Make your images more dramatic with new textures
- Vignette filters
- Straighten tool.
- Rotate tool.
- Flip horizontal and vertical.
- Millions of different adjustment combinations.
Sonuç kombinasyonu Saydamlık ayarı
Özel algoritması ile sonuçları gibi HDR
HDR Çember kontrolü
Kompozit, eğri seçenekleri (kırmızı, yeşil, mavi Pro özel)
gamma düzeltme
Düzeyleri ayarlama (siyah ve beyaz ton ayarı)
kontrast ayarı
parlaklık ayarı
Flu filtre
Siyah ve beyaz resim
sepya görüntü
Doygunluk ayarı.
Dramatik, siyah ve beyaz sonuçları
Fotoğraflarınıza çerçeve ve sınır koyun.
Sınırlar ve çerçeveler görüntüleri giy
Yeni dokular ile görüntüleri daha dramatik olun
Vignette filtreleri
Yeni araçlar dönüşümü.
Görüntüyü döndür sol ve sağ.
Flip görüntüleri yatay veya dikey.
Yatay ve dikey çevirin.
Farklı ayar kombinasyonlarını milyonlarca.
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